Strategy for Mission
The Parochial Church Council has approved the following Strategy
for our Mission to Myland:
1. Mission Statement
Following Jesus’ Great Commission,
we will continue the ministry of Jesus
and live the message of Jesus
in the manner of Jesus
2. Theology of Mission
The Great Commission
In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus authorised and commanded His followers to make disciples in all nations, baptising and teaching, with the assurance of His presence. We recognise His authority to commission us for this work, and accept His command. As part of the Church of England, we focus our work on the parish allotted to us.
The Ministry of Jesus
We are the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27), in whom He has poured His Holy Spirit, that we may continue his work. We have His motive for ministry – the sacrificial love of all people, drawing all into fellowship in the Kingdom of heaven.
The Message of Jesus
Our aim is to live as Jesus lived on earth, that we might be part of the fulfilment of the Law of Love, with an inclusive Gospel, distinctively moral but without condemnation. Corporately and individually, we will do so by our action, example and word.
The Manner of Jesus
We recognise these major elements of Jesus’ ministry:
He was in authority and under authority, accepting God’s Law and the law of the land
He ministered in the power of the Holy Spirit
He sustained His relationship with the Father through prayer
He appointed others, teaching and authorising them to work for the Gospel
He spoke in the gatherings of the faithful, but also went to the people to preach
He met with all strata of society
He healed, forgave and welcomed, with a focus on the Kingdom of God.
Our strategy for mission is designed to follow this pattern as we minister in the church and the community.
3. The Parish
Myland is comprised of a number of separate geographical areas — “islands” which have little reason to relate to one another. We intend that the Church is present in each of these “islands” in Jesus’ name, calling the people to Him and to each other in fellowship, promoting cohesion and collaboration.
These areas are:
Mile End - the historic village, centred around Mile End Road/Nayland Road, Mill Road and Turner Road. In this area are all the community facilities, including the churches, Myland Parish Halls, Myland Community Primary School, shops, the railway station and Colchester General Hospital.
Braiswick - the village to the west, historically separate from Mile End, where there are no community facilities but includes Colchester Golf Club.
Romans - the estate on the south side of Mill Road, on which there are no community facilities, nor space to build—and this situation also applies to most of the following “islands”:
The Myle - the estate on the north side of Mill Road.
Cuckoo Point - three blocks of flats, at the north-east border of the parish beyond The Myle.
Turner Rise - a residential development to the east of Turner Road.
Northfields - a residential development including Queen Boudica Community Primary School.
Northern Approaches - Also known as the Hakewill Estate or St. James’ Park, this residential estate is to the east of the church, with access through the churchyard by a path which the Church now owns.
New Braiswick Park - a self-contained estate to the south of Braiswick; the Braiswick Park Primary School opened in September 2015.
Severalls - land to the north of Mill Road, where 1500 homes are being built. A community centre is planned for this area.
Chesterwell - The area to the west of Mile End Road, where the new community will grow to 1,600 homes including more schools, community facilities and shops.
4. Worship
Corporate worship at St. Michael’s is designed to glorify God, and to develop our faith and our relationship with Him. We will do this through services of Word and Sacrament, accessible to people and acceptable to God, in a wide variety of styles and media, reflecting the variety of our community.
Services at festivals are, and will continue to be, particularly accessible to those who only attend church infrequently.
Sunday worship will be augmented by midweek services, seasonal programmes of study and fellowship and the development of home groups in the various “islands” of the parish, together with a programme of social events in which we can enjoy the presence of God and fellowship with one another.
5. Fellowship and Outreach
Our strategy is to be present in all parts of the parish, meeting all strata of society whether identified by their age, need or interests. Our aim is to attract people into fellowship with one another in the name of Jesus, and into fellowship and relationship with Him. Our outreach is therefore an extension of our worship and our concern for the people of Myland.
By Area
We are keen to develop areas of faith and fellowship in each part of the parish, including residents who can become Christian pastors to their neighbourhood. We will seek to be involved in residents associations, local activities and issues, and where buildings exist we would wish to utilise them and are prepared to become involved in their management.
We will continue to communicate to the parish though our noticeboards at church, the websites of the church and the halls, regular leaflet drops to every home in the parish, and have promotional material for the Church’s work available in the church, the hall and other relevant locations.
We will seek to develop sector ministries, including chaplaincies to local enterprises; these currently include ASDA, Woodland View Care Home and Tall Trees Care Home. Our clergy are known at the Jobserve Community Stadium.
By Age
We endeavour to meet the specific needs of each age-group, including the following:
Babies and Toddlers: We have an open and welcoming baptismal policy, through which families resident in the parish can consider the church their spiritual home throughout their lives. We encourage the growth of Myland Pre-School and Myland Baby & Toddler Group which meet in Myland Parish Halls, offering concessionary hiring rates, and welcoming them into the church. We host groups and agencies that promote infant health and well-being, at the halls and in the Community Room, and continue to seek further opportunities.
Children are welcomed at all our services, and we wish to ensure that they are well catered for during worship. We are actively involved in the many uniformed organisations which meet in the halls, including Christian leadership and parade services. We are welcomed in our Primary Schools, and welcome them for curriculum visits and other services and events organised by the Church.
Youth: We are seeking further to develop our ministry to young people. Following a number of years of successful work amongst teenagers, those teenagers are now young adults, who largely remain associated with the Church. Until a few years ago a youth group met in Myland Parish Halls, led by Colchester YMCA but in close collaboration with Church leadership.
Young adults: There is prayer and peer support for the number of young adults now at university, and we seek to involve young adults in tasks and rotas for our services, as well as including them in social events.
Families: We will continue to offer strong support for young families, through family services, our baptism policy, Babies and Toddlers and the Pre-School, to ensure parents have good opportunities to network in a welcoming Christian environment. We will promote family life and affirm those following a single life, and encourage the growth and effectiveness of our Mothers’ Union Branch.
We recognise that growth in the number of residents, many of whom are young, has now created a need for additional professional leadership, and this is being addressed.
Adults: We believe that stimulating and varied worship, and a wide programme of social interaction, is an attractive mixture which all ages may find welcoming and satisfying. We will continue to monitor our achievements, and how they are viewed by all who attend services and events.
Within the church, we will hold events for men and women, actively develop the number of groups for bible study and fellowship, and promote suitable social events. We have a strong band of musicians and singers, and a high number of people on service rotas; we are keen to develop active lay involvement, and will look for emerging leadership skills. We have a strong weddings ministry, which we will actively promote; and an effective funerals ministry which may be improved through the appointment of a bereavement team. We ensure that our welcome extends to all people, regardless of how they may identify themselves.
Third Age: We value the presence of the older members of the congregation and community, recognising the importance of their maturity and experience in the congregation and wider community. Whilst we therefore wish to see everyone included in mainstream activity, we will organise specific groups and events for older people.
We are aware of the strengths and weaknesses of our ministry to the people of Myland; these have been debated at PCC and have informed our action plans.
6. Collaborative ministry
Christian collaboration
We recognise that we are part of the worldwide Body of Christ, and work with Christian colleagues in Myland, including The Well Methodist Church, St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church and New Growth Ministry (we have a covenant relationship with those three Churches), the Hospital Chaplaincy and Christian residents who worship elsewhere.
As part of the Church of England, we will work with other parishes in the deanery and diocese, take part in synod and chapter, and seek to develop our ministries through training opportunities. We will support local and world-wide agencies and charities.
Community collaboration
We will work with local bodies to strengthen community, including Myland Community Council and Borough Council, residents’ associations and all other local stakeholders, seeking to influence decision-making in accordance with God’s law and for the benefit of the people of Myland.
7. Our Resources
We thank God for each of the people He has given us, and recognise that the Holy Spirit will have provided all the gifts required for the furtherance of the Gospel in Myland. We will seek to identify and develop these gifts and vocations, directing and encouraging their use to build up the Church and the community.
We are blessed with an excellent PCC team and other lay leaders including a church administration team, who support the fellowship and the licensed ministers. We plan to continue their development, and build teams to manage the many varied activities we undertake.
The nature of licensed ministry in the Church of England is undergoing change. In accordance with the Colchester Deanery Vision Plan, we intend that continuing growth in the work of our parish will be resourced by a range of roles under the leadership of our Priest-in-Charge, including self-supporting clergy and readers, augmented by other emerging ministries such as pastoral assistants, evangelists and local preachers.
The Church: We are blessed with a church building in a prominent location and in good order, surrounded by the churchyard which, although closed for burials, remains a central feature of the parish. We will continue to make structural and small changes to ensure that it is attractive and welcoming and continues to meet the requirements of our ministry.
Myland Parish Halls, also centrally-located near the church, are a prime focus for community activity. Having been recently modernised, they are a well-used community asset, virtually at capacity. Hiring income covers the operating costs, despite our policy of keeping rates low, to promote community use.
Myland Church House is the Rectory, at 352 Mill Road. It is strategically located at the centre of the newer part of Myland; it is at the south-east corner of Severalls, and close to Romans, the Myle, Cuckoo Point and Mile End, and a short step from the Hakewill Estate and Turner Rise.
There are currently no other buildings in residential areas of the parish available for worship or social use. However, we will look to take suitable opportunities for ministry as they arise.
It is the intention that community centres will be built on the new developments in Myland; we will continue to work with councils, agencies and developers to ensure that these provide suitable facilities for community use, including worship.