Sunday Services
Our main service each week is at 10:15 a.m. on Sundays.
It is a service of Holy Communion, with hymns & songs, Bible readings,
a sermon and prayers. The sermon is usually based on the day's scripture readings,
applying their message to our lives today.
On the first Sunday of the month, there are prayers for wholeness and healing; an opportunity for anyone to receive prayer for anything they (or someone else they care about) need - be it health or the answer to any of the world's problems.
On the fourth Sunday there may be Baptisms (Christenings) within the service. That's a wonderful time; a relaxed service to honour families and children as people make their commitment to follow the ways of Jesus. Read more about baptisms here:
The pattern of services may change at various times during the year, especially during festivals such as Easter, Christmas and Mothering Sunday, so please keep checking our website and calendar for updates.
All our services are designed to be accessible and friendly. Refreshments are served after our Sunday morning services – a good opportunity to catch up with one another!
Midweek Services
Friday 9:15am Morning Prayer
These are quiet, informal services which last half an hour.
In the winter months, the services take place in Myland Parish Halls
(to save on heating bills!)