Festival Services at St. Michael's

When a Church enjoys worshipping, it will take every opportunity to celebrate - and we do!
Look out for news about our upcoming festivals, including:
Mothering Sunday
This is when we give thanks for mothers, grandmothers and the other special ladies in our lives who have cared for us. We buy them flowers, chocolates or other gifts - and if we are feeling especially generous, they may even receive breakfast served in bed!
Yet there are many women in the UK and around the world who do not experience the pleasure of any of these luxuries. For them, life is a daily struggle as they fight to meet even the basic needs for their families. Plus, Mothering Sunday can be a difficult time for some, who may be parted from their mothers for one of many reasons.
On Mothering Sunday, we seek to honour everyone, and celebrate all who have been in the role of mother for us - and also the role of 'Mother Church'. - the care the Church gives to families and communities.
It is a special occasion for our Mothers' Union, who do so much as part of a worldwide organisation to support family life.
Harvest Festival
​In October each year, we thank the Lord for all He has provided for us - the produce of the land and sea, and the hard work of all those who bring the food to us.
Part of our thanksgiving is the bringing and donating of gifts, which we take to a local charity - often Colchester Food Bank.
We celebrate on many other occasions in the Church's year; notably Easter, having kept Lent; Pentecost; Trinity... as well as major events in the nation's calendar. Look out for news, and celebrate with us!