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Bible Discovery

Bible Discovery


That's the title of our midweek groups where we delve into the Bible and enjoy what we find. 

No prior knowledge of the Bible is required - the less you know, the more you'll learn!


We meet on Zoom, for one hour a week. Join either a Wednesday evening session from 7:30pm or a Thursday afternoon session from 2:30pm.


At the moment, we're studying the Bible passage that was the basis of Sunday's sermon - so we get to critique what the preacher said!


You're very welcome to join us. Email us here to get the Zoom access codes.


Parish of St. Michael Myland

Part of the Church of England in the Colchester Episcopal Area of the Diocese of Chelmsford.


St. Michael's Church, Mile End Road, Colchester CO4 5DY

Office: 01206 855040

Registered Charity No. 1130020,


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